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chimney services Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Virginia

Chimney Inspection Services

At The Duke's Chimney Sweeps and Services, our mission is to treat every customer like family and deliver the highest quality chimney work possible.

Proudly serving Maryland, Pennsylvania, Delaware, New Jersey and Virginia

Types of Chimney Inspections

chimney services Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Virginia

Level 1

A Level I chimney inspection is an inspection of the readily accessible areas of a chimney and flue system. Readily accessible refers to areas of the chimney system that do not require the removal of panels, doors or any other type of covering by using tools (i.e. a Level I chimney inspection will not investigate anything outside of the normal operation of the system). Simply put, a Level I inspection is a visual inspection (and some companies just call it a visual inspection for short).

Level I inspections should be conducted when any appliance has been changed with a similar appliance such as a water heater, furnace, boiler, wood stove or fireplace insert. Additionally, a Level I inspection shall be conducted during any chimney cleaning or as a part of an annual chimney inspection

Level 2

A Level II chimney inspection encompasses all the steps of a level I chimney inspection but also employs a video inspection camera for the purpose of inspecting all interior surfaces of the chimney liner and flue. Additionally, a Level II inspection will include the examination of all accessible parts of a chimney. The definition of “accessible” (as opposed to the definition of “readily accessible” which is defined in a level I inspection) is areas of the chimney that may require tools to remove panels or doors without undertaking undue risk to property or inspector safety.

A Level II chimney inspection is appropriate in the following conditions:


  1. For the sale or transfer of a property.

  2. After any event that has likely caused damage to the chimney such as a chimney fire, any weather related damage, earthquake etc.

  3. Before a flue is relined.

  4. Before a new appliance is removed or added to the flue that appliance is connected to or when an old appliance is swapped out for a new appliance that has a different fuel type, efficiency, or input rating.

Level 3

A Level III chimney inspection encompasses everything in a Level II inspection but includes the examination of concealed areas that are not accessible in a Level II. This includes areas of the chimney that are not typically accessible and may include demolition to parts of the chimney for the purpose of seeing concealed areas that might be damaged.

A Level III chimney inspection is appropriate when any issue has been discovered during the process of a Level I or Level II chimney inspection but that issue cannot be fully diagnosed in the scope of either of those inspections. Additionally, a Level III inspection may be required when a chimney or flue has sustained damage from a chimney fire, weather event or other causes of sudden damage

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